Management scenario
Introduce the basic operations of administrators based on common management scenarios.
Create a new cluster & Scenario of adding machines to a cluster
When the cluster has just been established or when a new cluster has just been added GPU After the machine, the following tasks are usually required:
- to configure "GPU" Type and quantity
- Create based on cluster size ["Computing power resources (Resource)"](/docs/admin#Computing Resource Management), And set a reasonable number
Increase users
Two ways:
- Create a "Batch invitation code"And send it to the users who need to register. Register it
- direct ["Create User"](/docs/admin#Create User).
User resource addition
stay ["Manage user resources"](/docs/admin#Manage user resources) Add corresponding resources for users below.
Modify user's parallel restrictions
If the user needs to run multiple tasks simultaneously. Can be in ["Manage user resources"](/docs/admin#View and update user resource restrictions) Modify the parallel limit of the user.