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bayes Introduction to Command Index

All commands of command-line tools are added by adding -h Parameters can obtain help information for corresponding commands.for example

$ bayes data upload -h

Upload local data to the dataset

bayes data upload [Dataset Number] [option]

Available options:
-p, --path string [Optional] Local path of dataset file. If not filled in, use the current directory
-o, --open [Optional] After successfully uploading the dataset. Open in browser
-h, --help see upload The Help
-v, --v View detailed error information

use case :
bayes data upload EsWBj9PqtZD
bayes data upload EsWBj9PqtZD -p /home/paths -o

You can see detailed command descriptions, usage. Parameters and examples. For the convenience of searching documents. We also provide the corresponding help documents for each command here.