bayes gear run
Run container
bayes gear run [task or workspace or hypertuning] [option]
Available options
-d, --data strings Bind data
-e, --env string Select Image
-f, --follow [Optional] Tracking the status of running containers
-h, --help see run The Help
-m, --message string Execution description
-o, --open [Optional] After successfully creating the container. Open in browser
-r, --resource string Choose computing power
Use case
# Establish "Python Script execution" task. And open it in the browser. Tracking status at the terminal
bayes gear run task -o -f
# Create a data binding containing "Python script" task
bayes gear run task \
--resource cpu \
--env tensorflow-1.12 \
--data hyperai/eBIQp4yPMtU/1:/input0 \
--data hyperai/sTggKplxyT6/1:/input1 \
--data hyperai/bbNaMvDNqO9/1:/input2 \
--data aisensiy/jobs/3s55ypc33ptl/output:/output --message "task message" -- sleep 60
# Establish Jupyter working space. And open it in the browser. Tracking status at the terminal
bayes gear run workspace -o -f
# Create a data binding containing Jupyter working space
bayes gear run workspace \
--resource cpu \
--env tensorflow-1.12 \
--data hyperai/eBIQp4yPMtU/1:/input0 \
--data hyperai/sTggKplxyT6/1:/input1 \
--data hyperai/bbNaMvDNqO9/1:/input2 \
--data aisensiy/jobs/3s55ypc33ptl/output:/output \
--message "workspace message"
# Create a "Automatic parameter tuning" task, And open it in the browser
bayes gear run hypertuning -o
Related commands
- bayes gear bindings - View the data that can be bound to the running container
- bayes gear download - Download container output
- bayes gear env - View the optional environments for running containers
- bayes gear init - Initialize container
- bayes gear logs - View container logs
- bayes gear ls - View all containers
- bayes gear open - Open the container page in the browser
- bayes gear resource - View optional resources for running containers
- bayes gear restart - Continue executing container
- bayes gear status - View all tasks under the container
- bayes gear stop - Stop container